Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Argument Essay; Teenagers Leaving Home

Usually a child grows up in a house full of tenderness and love. Parents will take care of their child and try as much as possible to offer everything that required for their baby to have a comfortable life. In addition, they will teach him or her morals, behavior, and how to deal and/or think in his beginning life. When their child becomes a teenager, they consider that moment as a new step especially in the American society. Many people think it’s the time for their child to get out of the house and live by himself. On the other hand, other people say it shouldn't be a rule. I believe that we shouldn’t judge everyone with the same criteria because each person has a different situation and life conditions.

The first reason that people agree to let their teenagers to leave the house is due to finances. These days it’s difficult to offer to your teenagers what they want. Each one of them wants a car, laptop, cell phone, clothes and so on. If each family has 3 or 4 teenagers, it’s almost impossible to satisfy their needs especially if only one of the parents goes to work. While both parents have already spent many years to raise their child, it the time to sigh deeply. Parents also have the right to enjoy their life away from their children and their problems. They might need to refresh their life and travel somewhere. Therefore, they have got to save some money and that would be impossible if they going to spend their budget on their children demand.

The next reason is that it is a good strategy to let the teenager start depend on himself and how to become an independent adult. Since the child was born, parents are the only persons who are responsible for taking care of their child. If the child doesn’t have the idea that on one day he will be responsible for himself, he will never become mature. For example, they won’t think deeply before doing any action and it consequences. If they know that they are responsible for their actions and they will be in charge of any mistake, slip, or misidentify. They will be responsible for what they say to others, take care of their education, and even sign a legal contract. At this point, leaving by their owns is a good approach to built this experience. When he moved to live by himself, he will have to figure out many things from buying grocery, doing errands, and end up to renting an apartment.

However, there are many who think that teenagers shouldn’t leave their parents house after high school. At the beginning, during this decade most of students who graduate from high school don't have any job or money source. It’s logically impossible that teenagers can live by themselves right away after high school. As a result, teenagers wouldn't be able to leave the house unless their parents will support them financially which is difficult during the economy collapse. The other situation that is possible to leave the house is if they are lucky to find a job that can fit with their school schedule, so they can work and study at the same time.

Another reason they shouldn’t leave the house it is it is much cheaper to live with their parent instead of finding their own apartment since they already have a space to live in at their parents home. Also, some parents only have a child and at any moment they might need him to help them especially if any one of them have a health issue or an elderly. If the teenager is clever, he will take advantage of being in his parents’ house. He can save money for his future and helps his parents at home, so when he finds a job he will be able to manage his money, house, and his entire life.

The other reason is about life nowadays has become more sophisticated than in the past years. Children grow up surrounded with technology that has massive impact on their behavior. For example they spend many hours at home playing with smarts equipment. As a result they didn't spend too much time outside home and feel the difficulties and barriers, so they need to be within their parents to improve their life skills gradually. This generation isn’t prepared well to face the life circumstances. They should stay more time with their parents and to learn from them as much as possible about how to overcome life challenges. Meanwhile, parents will show them the right path and will have the opportunity to develop and improve their skills.

It’s hard to say weather teenagers have to leave their parents house after high school or not. To be more specific and logical, we shouldn’t set a final rule and keep it upon each individual situation to let him decide what is appropriate and suitable for him. If we enforce a rule and apply it on everyone it will end up with unsatisfactory results such as careless or wishy-washy teenagers. In addition, teenagers might feel uncomfortable; because it’s the first step in their real life, which is the responsible of their parents to help make it easier for them and to let their teenagers to choose between staying or leaving the house after high school.

1 comment:

  1. They get paid a stipend (which is conceivable right here far less than what they make at their occupations).
