AUTONOMY (n) [aw-ton-uh-mee]
Forms: Noun
Definition: independence or freedom, as of the will or one's actions.
Sentence: The rebels demanded autonomy from Spain.
REFUGE (n) [ref-yooj]
Forms: Noun
Definition: shelter or protection from someone or something
Sentence: to take refuge from a storm.
CHALLENGES [chal-inj]
Forms: Noun
Definition: something that by it is nature or character serves as a call to battle, contest, special effort
Sentence: Space exploration offers a
challenge to humankind.
STELLAR [stel-er]
Forms: Adjective
Definition: extremely good
Sentence: The artist gave a stellar performance.
Forms: Adjective
Definition: extremely good
Sentence: The artist gave a stellar performance.
STEADY [sted-ee]
Forms: Adjective
Definition: free from change, variation, or interruption
Sentence: a steady diet of meat and potatoes.
OPT [opt]
Forms: Verb
Definition: to make a choice.
Sentence: She opted to attend school despite family pressure to remain at home.
READINESS [red-ee-nis]
Forms: Noun
Definition: the condition of being ready.
Sentence: They stacked the firewood in readiness
for the evening campfire
TEMPTED (n) [tempt]
Forms: Verb
Definition: to render strongly disposed to do something.
Sentence: The book tempted me to read more on the subject.
ENCOURAGE (n) [en-kur-ij, -kuhr-]
Forms: Verb
Definition: to stimulate by assistance or approval.
Sentence: One of the chief duties of a teacher is to encourage students.
Forms: Verb
Definition: to stimulate by assistance or approval.
Sentence: One of the chief duties of a teacher is to encourage students.
STEPPING OVER THE THRESHOULD (n) [en-kur-ij, -kuhr-]
Forms: Verb
Definition: it’s an idiom which means some place to move to a place a few steps away
Forms: Verb
Definition: it’s an idiom which means some place to move to a place a few steps away
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